just by performing simple social media tasks you stand to secure a one way ticket to your future
get onboard with our ongoing scholarship program just with a substantial fee you get access to simple tasks you perform during a one year waiting period and access to exclusive rewards. You can also become a referrer and share the goodnews round and get rewarded beautifully
If you're interested in taking the good name of myturncrypto to the world you can become a co-ordinator with us and get rewarded for each referral brought
We take registration on different currencies and we take a very substantial registration fee to accept every and anybody access to scholarship
Most philantrophists looking to support in our movement to train young scholars can decide to donate to as much as ten students for charity
you have no worry about legitimacy aside our stainless track record we are working on getting affiliated with the government to ensure regulations
Want to earn and spend? sponsor a bunch of students and get a return of investment on your donation monthly at a sweet percentage
Our platform is safe and secure to deposit and withdraw money to your account. we added most popular payment system UPI with us.
Earn, Click, Succeed: perform simple tasks and refer to change your life